Tuesday, 30 June 2015

the wake #7: horde

I've finished writing "the wake", and it feels good. After this, there are three more, which I'll publish here:
wake #8: Darkshadow
wake #9: Awakened
wake #10: eclipse

Don't miss any of it. And if you've not been reading at all, please start from the beginning. Its easy to find, in the sidebar.

The wake #7: horde

In the underground facility where most of his operations were done, Netsa was supervising his henchmen and making sure everything went as planned. Then Seb came to him.
"Hey man. How's it going?"

"Why don't you go straight to the point? Its about my sleep isn't it?"

"Sorry. I wanted to ask the general question first". Seb said.

"Well, since that dream interrupted my planned two hour streak, I've been me since".

"Why is it that every time you get a taste of sleep, that dream comes up?"

"Can you even call it a dream? I can't even call that sleep. My eyes were just closed and I remembered"

"Netsa, don't worry. Were getting close".

"Oh, really? And have you found a match?"

Friday, 12 June 2015

the wake #6: Revelations 2

The wake #6: Revelations 2

Jonah Narigi sent his 8 year old son to sleep one night. As usual, he read him a story. Netsa didn't like sleeping early and it was the stories that made him sleep. This one was about the adventures of Terman.
"You don't want to be late to school, Netsa do you?". Jonah asked casually.
Netsa shook his head in response.
"Because Terman won't be there to explain to Mr. Gideon". They both laughed softly. The look in his eyes reminded Netsa how much his father cared for him.
Jonah covered up his son, turned of the lights and left.

 In the cold night of Jos, Netsa woke up in the midnight, frightened. He felt a sharp pain in his hand. It felt like it had suddenly been dipped in hot water. He screamed out loud. His father heard him and rushed to his room to check on him.

"Netsa, what's going on?"

"Baba". As most kids in town called their dads. "My hand hurts. It hurts so much".

"Okay, let's get you some help.."

"Make it stop! It hurts. It burns". Netsa screamed.

"Netsa, look at me. Look at me. You're going to be alright"..

the wake #5: Revelations 1

First of all, I'm back from online recess. I'm done with exams. And now I'll complete the wake for good. The course of the story is about to change majorly. Cant wait to finish it and work on my new idea ;-).

The Wake #5: Revelations 1

The fifth chapter. If you havent been reading, I recommend you do so from 123 and 4

"Is he ever going to wake up?"

"Eventually.. I mean, his heart still beats right?"

Blimey and Smiles were waiting for him to wake up. It was already 5:00pm and he wasn't showing any sign.
"This could be serious. Maybe we should take him to a hospital" blimey said.

"Oh yeah, ambulance, we saw this guy on the street, knocked him out, hid him in our house for 10 hours.
The police would reward us"

"OK. I see your point. But what do we do?"

"Don't worry. He's fine. I took health science classes once"

"Smiles, what are you doing with a baton?".