Sunday, 11 October 2015

Sinistar: rise of Underground (short story)

Here's the short story I promised yesterday.
Sinistar #1: petty scam

Two boys were seen in a fairly busy junction, behind a parked car. They were having a discussion.

"What if we get caught?" Said the less confident one.

"Trust me, this'll work" It was probably this one's idea.
"This road is as busy as people are impatient". Said the sharp-looking guy in a polo shirt.

"Look at the mark again... It looks somehow", pointing to the rear left of the Mercedes Benz c240, which was instrumental to their plan.
"And what if my dad finds out."

"Shebi you said he traveled... And there's no one at home."


"He'll think it happened before he traveled. He knows you can't even drive".

"Hmm... Z-boy. Im not sure o"

"Just chillax, mehn!... Even if it doesn't work, we have nothing to lose".
"S-kid... Why you too de fear now? Ahan"

"I really hope it works. I need that money"

"Time to park the car in position".

They got in the car. "Zboy" moved the car and parked it in front of a shop. He didn't park well.
"Hope you have the notebooks ready." He asked.

"Yeah sure. Two of them".

They both got out of the car and stayed out of sight, while watching it.


Mr. Jerry was rushing to work that day. He had to get there on time. He didn't even eat before leaving for work. The akara he bought after buying bread in his area had a really good smell. He couldn't help it, he had to help himself. Jerry cleverly made a big opening in his unsliced bread and fixed the pieces inside. A trick he'd used countless times. He was now driving with one hand as his right hand was in service.

"Ahan... What kind of parking is this one?" He asked himself as he drove past the white Merc.
"Its probably one stupid k..."

He felt it. He didn't hear but he knew that his car had made contact.

"My lord."

"Shit". He said as he heard screaming from outside.

He saw two boys - probably between 18 and 20, moving towards him, with their hands on their heads.
He parked his car in the nearest space he could find and stepped out.





Mr. Jerry was shocked. Just a moment ago he was enjoying his breakfast, trying to get to work.  Ow he had two guys screaming at him with a dent on that pretty Merc.

"Boys, wait... Just keep calm first. Its alright"

"Ah! Alright keh? Oga, You've scratched our car"

"Wait, just wait. Let me see it". He said.

The three of them walked back to where the car was parked.

"See? The car isn't even parked well".

"Which parking? We just stopped to buy notebooks now. We're going to school". Said Zboy.

"OK guys look, I'm in a hurry..."

"We are too. We have a lecture to catch". Said S-kid

"Yes o. And even aside that, look at the car sir". Said Zboy

There was a brief silence.

"Sir, you'll have to settle us o... Panel beating will take like 5k, not to talk of painti..."

"Ehn?!!?" Zboy was interrupted sharply by Jerry "Five thousand Naira! See, it was even your fault. I'm going to give you 1 thousand, and that's because you're students."

"Ah, OK sir, we'll manage 3,5"

Jerry didn't look like he had time to argue with those kids. He was already late and had a scary boss to deal with.

"Look, ehn..." He dipped his hand in his pocket "Just take 3 thousand and go. I don't have time for this"

Zboy gave Skid a look as he took the money from Jerry's hands. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw what he called a "dirty smile" on Zboy's face, though it didn't show directly on his face.

"Thank you sir"

"Don't thank me". Jerry hurried back to his car.
"Freaking kids"

Z and S looked at each other in awe as they realized the money they had just "earned". They both got in the car and played music louder than their doctor would probably tolerate. What they didn't realize was, this event - what they had just pulled off, was the beginning of a transformation in their lives.

Someone was watching...

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