Sunday, 22 March 2015

the Wake #3: Nightmare

This is the third in the series of short stories. If you haven't read 1 and 2, I recommend you do so here 1 or here 2 before proceeding.


"Welcome to Nightmare Tournament!". The show presenter, looking down to the participants, in the stadium-like arena said with enthusiasm.
"You have been chosen for this contest. Please note that it is not personal. Participants were chosen at random".
"Yeah, right". Said the guy in the middle of the arena. He basically just fell asleep in his room moments ago.
"You are in a joint dream session. No time to explain all that. Just know that everyone here is real".
There was noise everywhere, people wondering what was going on.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Multiple personality disorder

I don't know how I started writing poetry. It might not be that bad after all.

Multiple personality disorder

Oh boy, what have you done? Why did you do it?
I don’t know. It wasn’t me. It’s like someone pushed me to it
I can’t explain. It’s like I lost control.
It’s like my own mind has a mind of its own

I can tell, there’s someone else inside
Doing things I would never have done
Who is it? Who is this other person?
Does it mean he and I share one mind?

Saturday, 14 March 2015

The Wake: #2

This is the sequel to a story I posted last week. herheree. If you haven't read it, I strongly recommend you do before proceeding...
the Wake: hash 2
6:30 am, outside the apartment, two friends struggle to get to a cab. One, less weak than the other, is helping him stay on two feet...
"Don't worry, man, you won't fail. You're smart". Smiles said to Blimey.
"Not like this, I cant even add... I cant even think of what I can't add". Said Blimey.
"I still don't get why we're still weak".
"*sigh* and we just had times 10 coffee configuration".
"Coffee? I added a little 'extra'. I thought you'd notice".
"The extra?". Blimey asked, surprised.
"mm hmm".
"I wanted to help. You have a test tod..."
"I didn't ask for the extra! I don't do drugs. And I have a test? Smart move. We'll get checked".
"Chillax, man it's not detectable. And it's not technically a drug."

Thursday, 12 March 2015

World sleep day

Tomorrow, or today, March 13th will be or is, the World Sleep Day. It's normally the friday of the second week of march. It is a day to chill out and sleep, and that's what I'll be doing this night and the next. At least, I'll try. This day is for everyone to remember the importance of sleep and the consequences of lack of sleep. I will (try to) sleep by 10pm and wake up in the morning. If I wake up in the midnight with no sign of sleep, I'll just write. Sometimes, you just cant fight it. That's what I'll do if I'm awake during 'sleeping hours' from now on... Is it just me or is this World sleep day really contagious? I mean, I'm really sleepy. This doesn't normally happen at this time. I guess I'm catching the drift huh?
By the way, 'the Wake' is still coming back this Saturday.. And I can't wait..
Off to bed. TGIF..

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Photo talk show.

Tonight, I'm going to 'review' some pictures. I'm really not in top writing mode so I just surfed and found these mind blowing pictures (who's kidding? Some are just bizarre).

First, we have Captain Mindbomb

Really, you guys should try meditation. The results could be really mind blowing. He's really getting his game on. He's on fire. But really, I heard it works. Not like in the pic of course lol, but it does.
Next up, is this picture. You'll be surprised to know what it is.

Monday, 9 March 2015


Overdrag... phh.. Does anyone else here get overdrag?. I mean who in the world doesn't hate overdrag?
Okay let's clear things up. Overdrag: you know when you sleep really late and wake up really early then you have excess sleep debt. Especially when you didn't have an afternoon nap. That effect you get that disturbs your head and haunts you all day, that's overdrag (that's what I call it.. It's not an actual word).
   I had overdrag today. And it was really really unpleasant. I couldn't even take a nap. It's like... Steve Rodgers punched you in the face and deeps your head in pure ice. I guess that's side effect #1.0 'The Overdrag effect'. I guess the best solution is take a nap.. And try to sleep early when you know you'll have to wake up early.
  I guess that's just the way it is..
Happy Wake..
Ali out...

Bed time story: the Wake

Tonight, I'm telling a story. Its not too long anyway so read on..
Blimey was lost in thoughts, he couldn't just sleep, and he was to have this big life-defining test the next day. It was past 2am and he really needed to catch some sleep so he wouldn't, you know, doze off during the test.
Different scenarios of how the test could go kept scrolling and swirling through his mind. It was driving him nuts. He wanted to call Smiles, his friend next door who advised him to take sleeping pills and offered him some.
    Just when he picked up his phone to call Smiles, he heard something..
"Hey". He said, unsure why he would think there was someone.
Then he heard it again, this time sure there was someone else in the room.
"I know you're there".

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Can't wait

I'm posting a short story tonight and I cant wait! I've already decided It'll be at midnight but can I really wait? The story has a lot of 'Wake' in it

It's tagged Bedtime story: the Wake

Will I be able to resist temptation and wait till 12am?


Yesterday and today, I got inspired by two friends. Raks told me yesterday that insomnia is a superpower when you use it well. Like, you can do things when others are asleep. Its an advantage and all.

Mohdu told me he knows someone also 'suffering' from insomnia and will love my blog. Guess what I told him. 'Suffering, really? P.. please..  Its a super power. I'm insoman.Yes. That's the origin.

Of the man that stays awake when you're in dreamland.
He's like a guardian, watching over the rest of us
his eyes, never closing, never blinking
for if he blinks, who can tell what will happen

Who can tell?
what if his memories are taken away
who can tell?
what if wakes up and doesn't know what to say
what if he wakes up and his inspiration is gone
what left would he have to do?

So he doesn't sleep
he is..
 the Insoman

No sleep in sight

Happy Wake guys. Whats going on? So here's the deal. I'm just writing spontaneously. No looking back. Less editing.


So tonight, I was on facebook, got inspired by a friend, skyped, surfed the web, etc. But inevitably, everyone eventually goes to sleep. The humans, I mean. So here I am. Alone with my thoughts. Not alone, actually, since insomniacs are out there.


What do you do when people go to sleep
and you're just sitting there, accepting that you're different
Why not use your time for something else, something deep
Its better than lying there, staring at nothing
or searching the web for something that isn't on it
these are just random thoughts by the way
I say this blog has come to stay

Whatever. I'm just using my time..

Happy Wake!..

Saturday, 7 March 2015

CANT SLEEP.. Sometimes, it feels just like this (pic above)

Here's a little poem for the night.

I'm wide awake. Its 12 am
thoughts scramble through my mind like a town in mayhem
I just lie there staring like an owl
as my day's life flashes before me

I cant sleep, cant sleep
whats all the noise about
I cant sleep, cant sleep
someone come and knock me out

I have insomnia
its the truth, I'm not being negative
I have insomnia
inject me with a sedative

And that's my first poem ever. First I've written in my life. Today, just now.

Good night, people..

This will drive you crazy

 You can try staring at this image tonight if you cant get to sleep. It might help. Or it might drive you crazy (lol). Cant wait for my first insomn post tonight 11pm. I'm coming (whats this guy saying).